Archive for October, 2013

October 31, 2013

on falling leaves

Today is one of my favorite kind of days. It’s Halloween and besides the fact that it’s a fun holiday that you don’t have to travel or do a huge family event, or even celebrate at all, it’s a quiet windy Fall day. A text book kind of fall day, not too cool or too dark, the birds are relatively quiet and leaves are quick to fly from the trees and join a quick ballet before rustling to the ground. It’s therapeutic and reminds me why small towns are beautiful in Autumn and the charm LA is missing. So while I miss the hustle of big cities and a little of the “opportunities” there and in the Northeast, I really feel like I can hear my heart of my head here in Knoxville. Really what are opportunities in the Big Picture. I guess it depends on how you value and define your life; but for me at least and when considering what little time I will have in the Big Picture, I want more days like today where it’s quiet and I have the time to see the leaves move and follow them with words.