Ah, hello. 

I'm so relieved to finally tell my story.

You see,

I had no one.

No one,
I could tell.
No one to trust.
No one to whisper
No one to catch me
No one to call me
No one to

It was 7:05 pm.

she, in the living room.

Child on the floor, child at the door

there was another child

next to the child at the door

three child

She sat crunched

With the heating pad

on her prominent hunch.

Nodding at the light

She typed her letters

She kept herself


The man stood standing

in the cooking space

Never cooking

Just looking

for the right words to

throw his


I took a deep breath in. My fingers danced together at the side of my red, Georgia Bulldog chair. I got four of these bulldog chairs for free a couple of St. Patricks Days-ago, a decently drunk family didn’t want to haul them around. They hadnt even pulled the tags off. Anyway, I sat in the loud red chair with various paints and hobby-type things scattered around me. Staring off, imagining I might look kind of intelligent or mystery- a modern thinking (wo)man. But my panic was probably as loud as the chair. Thinking too much about whether or not that woman walking the dog even thought about me or my chair. Whether the same passing men are passing because they are there to see me, monitor me, know me.

To know me
is to loathe me
is to blow me
is to duck and cover,
oh no, here she comes
don’t look now
it’s the bipolar mom girl

And at this moment the loud singing dude came running by.

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